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Showing posts from January, 2021

When Will I Be Free

  When will I be free?  The law says I am, but statistics show different. I just want to show people that I am gifted. But my skin is a mark that I am not welcomed here. If I walked down the street they will have "fear". I want opportunities just like my friends. But justice will never come to an end. When can I be free from the judgment of my color? All just because I don't look like the others. When can I be free from my ancestors' chains? I want to walk proudly with my head held up high. Trying to let the negativity pass me by. I will live the rest of my life based on my skin. In the end, they will see me win.  I am more than my looks. I am taking back what they took.  We're not done they should know. We'll be fighting for equality till the end of the show

About Cross-Country

  About Cross-Country By: Joey Everts Okay, so my JV season in 2019 was my last ever year of soccer. The last game was when I realized I didn’t want to play soccer anymore. The excitement was all gone and I didn’t know what exactly to do. I knew at the time I was a decent runner and that I could do track or cross country. So during the time soccer was going on this year, I did cross-country - probably one of the best decisions that I have made. During the time of cross country this year, I have learned so much and I got to feel how a real team was. Everyone on Wheatland-Chili’s cross-country team are always positive and that’s what makes it so extravagant.   We all care about each other and we all set goals and work hard to achieve them. We are positive when we do good and we are positive when we do bad. Going into my first sectionals race, I was really nervous. I was talking to a group of young ladies before the race and we were just all talking about how we all switched ...

Astrological Signs by Ava C

  Astrological Signs   By: Ava Cody    Astrology is the study of planets and stars as well as the belief that  their movements and positions have an i nfluence on the events, lives and behaviors of people.  Astrology is a belief though because there is no real science to pro ve its impacts on human lives, but many people do see value in them.  Within the study of Astrology there  are  Astrological signs which impact the human lives as they assign  a person's characteristics, preferences, flaws and fears . The  Astrological  sign given to each human varies because  they are based on the position of the sun, moon and the planets   at the very moment that a person is born  which of course vari es from human to human.   T here  is   not just one type of  As trological sign ;  there are three  different types of signs which are  sun, moon and rising which are the  three  ma...

The Ocean By Alannah M

  The Ocean   By: Alannah M.     The waves moved  quickly   Across the teal blue water   The ocean plants so prickly   Against the soft skin they slaughter     Little children playing   Their suits so bright and vivid   The sea creatures surveying   Paying close attention to the timid     The sun beaming so  brightly   And the parents smiling so   The ocean welcoming  politely   Where all can come and go  

Crop analysis- Alfalfa Hay

  Crop analysis- Alfalfa Hay By: Connor Ingham                 Alfalfa hay is a leguminous plant that is grown mainly for silage, animal feed, or for a nitrogen supplying cover crop. Alfalfa, unlike most other plants, can grow for up to five production years after the first cutting of hay is complete. Commonly, alfalfa is mixed with other types of grasses, such as timothy hay, or oats that provide wind protection and frost protection during the winter, due to alfalfa’s low height. To begin the planting process, alfalfa can be planted with just a dusting of soil, typically in well drained areas for best quality, during any summertime month. The plant will surface normally within 15 days where it will grow into stems with generally a distinctive tri leaf design. This trend will continue as the plant gains a bush like shape into the mature age (around a height of 12 inches). Once the plant is mature, purple...

Crop Analysis- Timothy Hay

  Crop Analysis- Timothy Hay By Connor Ingham             Timothy hay is a cool weather grass that prefers damp soil, mainly in northern climates with an optimal temperature range around 75 degrees. This hay variety is grown for an ideal pasture crop, animal feed, or a grass cover crop. Timothy similar to other hay species, since timothy is a perennial plant (growing for many year), although it does lessen in production over its lifespan. The best time to establish a timothy crop is during the summer months, roughly before mid-August, which allows the plant to grow to an ideal height before winter freezing sets in. A firm seed bed, free of any visible stones, an application of 8-10 pounds per acre and a seed depth of ½ of an inch will provide the best start to the plant’s life. Timothy can be planted along with other grass/hay varieties, such as clover, alfalfa, birds-foot trefoil, or Kentucky blue grass which will blend in...

Interview of Mr. Schneider

  Ella Murray – Creative Writing Club: Teacher Interview – Mr. Schneider     Give us a sketch of your life. -  Robert Wesley Schneider  better known as  Mr. Schneider   at W - C  was born on Ma rch 7 ,  1965. When he graduated from high school, instead of going to college , he  went to London and lived in a few countries before coming back  to the US.  He  then d id not start college until he was 30  going to the University of Orgon, Southern  Illinois  University, and University of Missouri-Kansas City.    Mr. Schneider met  his husband in 1991 in France and  they then got  married in Massachusetts in 2011.  They  ha ve  two kids, Mikael born in 2002 ,  and Dominic born in 2003  and t hey moved to Rochester, NY in July 2006 when his husband got a job at RIT.   Why did you decide to become a teacher?  -  Mr. Schneider says the biggest reason he...