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About Cross-Country


About Cross-Country

By: Joey Everts

Okay, so my JV season in 2019 was my last ever year of soccer. The last game was when I realized I didn’t want to play soccer anymore. The excitement was all gone and I didn’t know what exactly to do. I knew at the time I was a decent runner and that I could do track or cross country. So during the time soccer was going on this year, I did cross-country - probably one of the best decisions that I have made. During the time of cross country this year, I have learned so much and I got to feel how a real team was. Everyone on Wheatland-Chili’s cross-country team are always positive and that’s what makes it so extravagant.  We all care about each other and we all set goals and work hard to achieve them. We are positive when we do good and we are positive when we do bad. Going into my first sectionals race, I was really nervous. I was talking to a group of young ladies before the race and we were just all talking about how we all switched over from soccer to cross-country. This was before the race and my adrenaline was just off of the charts. I was so nervous, I didn’t even get their snapchats!!! So anyways I went to the start line a few minutes before and saw my friend Ethan, that goes to Kendall and I wished him good luck. There were sixteen different schools, and I don’t know what was going to go down. I doubted myself but none of my teammates did! Coach Glass was a major reason why I did as good as I did. He’s such an awesome coach and he cares. I’ve realized that you need to try new things in life, and if you don’t, you won’t know how it would turn out!


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