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 The Importance of Standing for the Flag 

By: Terrance Bayly-Henshaw  

Imagine tomorrow you had to pack one bag and leave your house, your family, your dog, your cat, and everything that comforts you in your own home to go to a completely foreign placeWhile at this place you will push your body past its limits day in and day out and function on minimal hours of sleep and food that you can barely stomach.  It does not sound fun, does it?  This is the choice that our military members make in order to protect our freedom and rights in the U.S.  We owe all respect to those who leave the comfort of their life at home and put their lives on the line to protect our freedom.  They have fought time and time again for a physical embodiment of our freedom, the stars and the stripes on the flag.  Standing with your hand on your heart is a sign of respect to those who sacrificed their freedoms and their lives so we could have all the privileges that we have in the U.S.  So, next time you are at a sporting event or any public event and the National Anthem or Pledge of Allegiance starts to play, think of those brave men and women fighting for us who would give anything to be where you are right now. Pay your respects to them by simply standing up and placing your hand on your heart for a couple of minutes.           


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