Maddy S
Mr. Cantatore
Question 1: Give us a sketch of your life.
Mr. C: I had attended catholic school from kindergarten to twelfth grade and I went to Aquinas for high school. After high school all of my friends were attending their 4-year schools and I knew that I didn’t really want to do that. I knew since I was about 6 years old that I had always wanted to be a Disney character in the park. I had a vhs tape of a Disney sing-along and my brother and I watched it so many times through that the sides on the screen began to fade. I went on a family trip when I was a little older and I was on Main Street waiting for the fireworks to start and I decided that it was what I wanted to do. So, I worked at Disney World for 3 years and it was great. I eventually went back to college and changed my major from education to business, but I decided that it wasn’t for me and I didn’t like it. So, I eventually went back to grad school for education and now I’m here.
Question 2: Why did you decide to become a teacher?
Mr. C: Well, I wanted to be a teacher from the time I was in high school, I had an amazing junior year English teacher and that experience just really inspired me to be interested in the subject. I’ve also always enjoyed reading and I loved the Harry Potter books and I think that also really helped inspire my love of literature. So yeah, that’s really the reasons why.
Question 3: Why did you want to work at Wheatland?
Mr. C: Well, it was a bit of a difficult situation, I came in the capacity of knowing it was a long-term subbing job after the passing of Mrs. Jackett. I knew at the interview that she had passed, and I felt the loss when I came in. However, I also felt compelled to be there for this school and the students specifically, I really felt the loss of the people in this community and I just truly knew that I was the one to take on the task and I felt as though I was up to that tall task of taking on that role and being there for the people here.
Question 4: What other schools have you worked at? How many?
Mr. C: I have worked at Gates-Chili for a little while, I taught at Brockport, and I was a sub at Penfield for a couple of weeks. It was like intermittent subbing.
Question 5: Give me a surprising fact about you.
Mr. C: Some people know this, but I am the front man for the 80’s cover band The Breakfast Club.
Question 6: Give us some of your interests – sports, music, etc.
Mr. C: Well, I love a good Netflix binge and I’m always looking for new, interesting shows to watch. I also obviously love sports, especially the post season play off games. Um, I like video games, especially Nintendo, and oh! I like reading in my leisure time, which is usually in the summer.
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